Welcome to Mystical Realms Blog!

We want to welcome you to our blog, this is where you will get updates about the site. News about the site such as upcoming events or other things in that matter. Feel free to browse around, and if you have any questions you can email me or contact one of the Guardians on the chatsite. www.mysticalrealms.net

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pose sets

Hey so we all know that the tiny unicorn set was released and we all love them!! Well keep your eyes open for more pose sets to come!

Lots of new free pose sets to chose from, and new pose sets for our paid subscription users :D

Other Forum

Hey guys just wanted to let you know, if you havent signed up for the other forum, you should do so! We don't mind if you use the original forum, but this other forum is much more secure.
